Thursday, July 30, 2009

Well Well Well...

I must have some pretty important people reading this because I came home yesterday and...

Voila! ABOUT TIME...

Unfortunately we did not get to witness a pedestrian/cyclist/vehicle and F their day up (we can dream, right?), but on the flip side, I now have the entire width of the road to weave through so I'm pretty pumped about that. I think if I go home tonight and the caution signs are still up I am going to ninja kick them over and be the first to drive on that virgin piece of asphalt.

The small pleasures in life


1 comment:

  1. Ah the small pleasures. Let's talk about the BIG pleasures... like ALL THE GODDAMN MEAT IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE ON YOUR PLATE. I think i might have to visit the Vomitorium today.
